This morning the training group took off on what our trainer considered a "brisk" jog in the neighborhood surrounding our training facility. As I was running alongside my trainer, I had a hunch that there would be an added twist to today's workout.
About 3/4 mile into the run, my trainer cut through an abandoned lot, jumped down a muddy embankment, trotted around the fringes of a homeless basecamp and began running on the train tracks. I must say it was a first for many, including myself.
Did you know all of those railroad planks have a million rocks packed in between? I certainly did not, and this fact required lots of adjustment during our mile run up the tracks. Keeping pace while avoiding ankle turning rocks and wooden planks is not for the faint of heart.
Fortunately, everyone was saved by a train creeping up the tracks on our return route. Our trainer wove his way back to the streets and into the gym.
Once inside, he made the announcement, "No music for one month. You must learn to motivate yourselves on your own. Can't take the music with you to tryouts!"
The room was silent, of course. No music and no talkback equals silence.
Silence for everyone else, but not for me. I always have music--its' just playing in my head.
How else would I make it through these strenuous training sessions? Amazing Grace, Beyonce, Young Jeezy, This Little Light of Mine, Madonna...I have my karoake machine on high, and my inner voice is always on point.
Well, I hope the other guys can make the transition. It can be a long row to hoe when you have nothing to divert you from the pain of a 30 second resistence cord drill.
As for me, I am ready to go. Put in Shawty Lo cause you can't stop my music!