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Friday, February 27, 2009

Is Your Dealership This Great?

I was surprised to see a check engine light when I was driving to my training session last week. As instructed by my uncle, I opened my glove compartment and began searching the car manual for some direction. Gas cap tightened-check. Gas in car-for the most part-check. The last instruction was to head to the dealership, and two days later, I drove into my local dealership-Sandy Springs Toyota.

After a rigorous evaluation, it is discovered that my car (otherwise known to my inner circle as "Black Boyfriend" (because he takes me everywhere with ease, style and dependability)) needed a $385 gasket replacement. What! We have only been with each other for less than 3 years. Who knew Black Boyfriend was ill?

I went home to vigorously search online for some guidance. I couldn't understand how something so big could go awry so soon. Well, armed with a little information, I called my dealership to explain that my part was covered under another warranty (60month). The Service Department Head explained that this was not the case, but after careful review of my customer support had decided to do a FREE out of warranty replacement! Absolutely Fantabulous-I know but this is only the first part.

When I dropped off my car this morning, I came prepared for 3 hours of reading. However, my service guy came to notify me that my car was done after 70 minutes because he didn't want me to sit and wait for 3 hours.

These guys are amazing! Can you say that about your dealership? If not, head on over to Sandy Springs Toyota. These guys will take great care of you!!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Y Did U Do This Arms?

My legs and calves have created a legacy for themselves. What can I say? I am a Sagittarius, and I love to work on my lower body.

However, I recognize my upper body needs to fall in line. Your arms and shoulders help to drive your legs, and in my line of duty, leg driving is a must.

Therefore, push-ups, curls and all that other technical upper body training has been a staple in my workout routine. So how have the results fared? It seems like it depends on the day and the drill.

Today, I found myself in the middle of my last set of pull-ups thinking "Y did u do this arms?" My chin went from above the bar during reps 1-5, to the bar from reps 6-13 and below the bar from reps 14-20.

It was not a pleasing sight to behold and definitely not a pleasing experience for me.

I want to dedicate this post to those who are trying to have some semblance of upper body strength. It's not easy, but one day our arms are going to come through for us...

Friday, February 20, 2009

Dance Dance Revolution!

For the last few weeks, I have been receiving a great deal of flack because I have not made an appearance during the Wednesday night training session. This training session was presented as an auxiliary option for those who want some extra cardio, footwork and hip work.

Don't get me wrong. I am all about extra credit when it comes to my training. However, this was a hip hop dance class. It was a bit concerning to me because there is a great deal of uncertainty when you put my trainer in a dance studio with 60 minutes of music. Are you breakin'? Are you doing backhand springs? It is a toss up with this guy.

The standoff reached a head last week. While I was in the pool preparing for the start of the water training, one of the athletes asked me if I was coming to the class. Everyone came towards me to hear my answer, and it wasn't the answer that they wanted to get. I had other plans. Immediately, I was falsely accused of providing lame excuses.

This Wednesday arrived, and I was determined to prove everyone wrong. I showed up to class. It was packed, and people were shocked to see me there.

The music began blasting out of the speakers. My trainer took his place at the front of the room, and we became those "video background dancers." It was hilarious when I was off beat. It was a hard work out, and as usual my trainer was dramatic. He stopped the third set to clear the mirrors when the fog prevented him from seeing himself.

If you find yourself in the A, swing by The Complex on Northside Drive on Wednesdays at 6:00. You may catch me get some extra hip work in to DJ Khaled's Go Hard...

For your entertainment, I came across a hip hop aerobics video that may spur you to action and give you some new vocabulary.....Enjoy!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Qatar is Fast

This morning brought a pleasant surprise of yet another track workout. Our training utilized the hills and trees surrounding the area because it was being used by none other than members of the Qatar Olympic track team! Go figure. Chance encounters with international athletes are my favorite.

Although you missed the meeting, here are 5 Quick Facts about Qatar in case you have the good fortune too meet an athlete from this amazing country!

1. Qatar is one of the wealthiest countries in the world. It is located on a peninsula off the border of Saudia Arabia.
2. In the 1988 Seoul Olympics, Qatar participated in one sport-track and field.
3. Qatar is the size of Hawaii.
4. Qatar has one of the best sporting systems in the world outside of the industrialized nations.
5. Qatar is considered an Olympic paradise because of its heavy investment in sports.

Parachutes Are Not For Babies

This morning I found myself in the midst of an intense training session at the track. After our usual round of warm-up drills, we did several sprints. Everything was going really well, and I was pleased with my performance.

Since it was fairly warm outside, we had a couple of additional onlookers, a set of twins. They were being supervised (of course) and were busy engaging in a workout of their own. It included riding tricycles, running shorter distance sprints and climbing up and down small embankment adjacent to the track.

My final drill for the session was closer to the twins play area, but they were out of harms way--or so we thought. As I came to the home stretch of my last 100 meter sprint, my parachute swayed outside of the 8th lane and swooped up one of the twins as he was riding on his tricycle. Imagine the horror!

It happened so fast that when I felt the tug on my waist, this young man was already engulfed in a sea of navy blue nylon. It was a very scary ride, and lots of tears, apologies and first-aid checks were had.

Lesson: Place Ample Distance between innocent bystanders when running with a parachute. It is not for babies!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Only 4 Obama: Up 4 A Round?

After possibly getting two hours of sleep, my friends and I slowly rolled out of bed to get dressed for the Swearing-In Ceremony. Our original plan to be at the subway station by 4 a.m. was definitely on the revision board after returning to our room at 2:30 a.m. from the Illinois Society Gala.

It was shortly after 5:00 a.m. when we boarded the train to head to our designated entry gate. We managed to calmly survive the crushing crowds on the subway platform to emerge into the cold, dark morning. Our goal was to make our way to the best possible spot in the unorganized crowd of people waiting for the security checkpoints to open.

As a way to pass the time, my friends and I made small talk and jokes. I had made up in my mind long before arriving in D.C. that I had planned to entertain myself by singing. (For the record, I don't have a particularly melodic voice.)

In order to get my other friends on board, I suggested that a song was in order. I reiterated that I am a fan of the round. It was a technique that I learned in Music class while in grade school. One person or group begins the song. A few seconds later, others join in and ultimately by sheer luck they end up coming together at the end. Oddly enough, this type of singing fascinates. For once, my friend Tonya took the bait. She began singing the famed "This Little Light of Mine." I could not contain my laughter as I joined in. Apparently our entertainment was contagious because other voices began to join in. Before we knew it, a diverse group of silver gate ticketholders became a choir.

It was awesomely surreal, and Tonya was pleased with her contribution. I think I may suggest round singing more often. Who knows what may happen?