My traveling schedule has started to pick up, and this past weekend I found myself yet again in Charlotte. Being that I like to kill many birds with one stone, I lined up a birthday party attendance, a visit to the Concrete2Green futsal center and a few important conversations with my mentors.
During a drive on Saturday morning, one of my mentors began telling me a story. She recalled how, in the midst of admiring other accomplished colleagues, she found herself unrealistically comparing her list of accomplishments to those who had more experience than herself.
I remember thinking to myself the irony of hearing this story when, several hours later, I was asked to participate in a freestyle soccer exhibition at the annual Slam Jam at Grayson Park. I expressed my hesitation to participate as I reflected on the tens of people that I have met who have grown up all of their lives doing jaw dropping tricks with the ball.
I resolved in my mind that if this experience was meant for my “freestyle colleagues” then they would be at Grayson Park and not me. With that note, I joined in on the exhibition. The juggling jitters were there nonetheless, but as I continued with my touches on the ball, they disappeared as I flipped the ball from the side of my samba sole to my knee. I may be in the early stages of my free style development. However, showcasing my “free style wizardry” at Slam Jam was quite a coming out event!