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Monday, August 25, 2008

The Days Never Change

Good Afternoon. I must say that it has been quite some time since I have provided you with a dose my world perspective. It seems that I have been living my life on the Autobahn once I returned from Rio. Consequently, my roadshow came to an abrupt halt when I developed some "random" respiratory matter...

I was not pleased to say the least, and it is probably safe to say that my neighbors were not pleased as well. However, what can you do? I have to cough. These throwback walls from the 70's just don't have the necessary insulation, and so my coughing fits had to be heard by all. In exchange, it seems that I hear my neighbor's business as well so I feel that it is a trade (one that may not be as even...but I am not going to complain :))

Anywho, one day while quarantined in my bedroom, I flipped through the channels and stumbled upon that storied soap opera called Days of Our Lives. This soap opera was must see tv in my house for at least 40 years, and I was an addict.

At the height of my addiction, my five year old sister would call me and give me the low down (verbatim) of what happened on the episodes that I missed! We had the Days bug bad...Well, I began to watch, and much to my surprise all of my favorite characters are still on the show, doing the same thing. I have not missed anything! Stefano is trying to capture Marlena. Marlena tried to kill Stefano. Everyone thought Stefano was in a coma, but he was not! Oh the drama continues. I admit they had me for about two episodes, but I can't fall victim because I know what is going to happen. The strange twist is that somehow these writers make you want to keep watching like something different just might happen this time...

Now on a less dramatic note, I have quite a few adventures to catch you up on so stay tuned.

Until then-"like sands in the hour glass so are the days of our lives.."

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