This morning I found myself in the midst of an intense training session at the track. After our usual round of warm-up drills, we did several sprints. Everything was going really well, and I was pleased with my performance.
Since it was fairly warm outside, we had a couple of additional onlookers, a set of twins. They were being supervised (of course) and were busy engaging in a workout of their own. It included riding tricycles, running shorter distance sprints and climbing up and down small embankment adjacent to the track.
My final drill for the session was closer to the twins play area, but they were out of harms way--or so we thought. As I came to the home stretch of my last 100 meter sprint, my parachute swayed outside of the 8th lane and swooped up one of the twins as he was riding on his tricycle. Imagine the horror!
It happened so fast that when I felt the tug on my waist, this young man was already engulfed in a sea of navy blue nylon. It was a very scary ride, and lots of tears, apologies and first-aid checks were had.
Lesson: Place Ample Distance between innocent bystanders when running with a parachute. It is not for babies!
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