I am not exactly sure how you gave thanks, but I definitely can give you an inside peek to my Turkey Day offering. It all began a few hours before the big day when I was informed that the local family church would be having an early morning Thanksgiving Day service.
Since this was not something I knew about, I showed up the following morning in a pair of jeans, Nikes and a t-shirt with a black ski vest. I think many people didn't get the Thanksgiving service memo because there were about 15 people sprinkled about the church pews.
The service was going right along as planned when an unexpected announcement came. The assistant pastor announced that the youth choir would sing a selection. My sister, a member of the youth choir, looked quite shocked because there were only two members of the choir present. However, this didn't derail the efforts for a selection. As my sister began making her way to the front, an undercurrent of whispers ensued. Before I knew it, my grandma turned around and said, "Qiana, go on up there and sing."
Now, I am the first to tell you (among others) that I have not been granted the gift of song. Moreover, I am not a member of the youth choir, and I didn't know the song selection.
However, who says no to their grandmama? So you know what happened. I went up to the front, received a copy of the song from my mama who was on the church keyboard and began my best in tune rendition of "God Can?." I will just say that at least half of the congregants laughed (including myself) and my grandma was beaming from ear to ear.
Who could not like that? Giving thanks for my grandmama by singing was not on my agenda this year, but I will admit the big hug and good job that she gave me was well worth it.
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