Everyday I have a plan of action that is accompanied by a to do list. My goal is to stick to the list and accomplish the tasks so that I can start it all over again on the next day.
Is it common for me to wake up and begin knocking out the items on the list? I would have to say about 65% of the time the answer is Yes. However, the remaining 35% of the time I am dealing with the unexpectancies of life. For a long time, it would annoy me to have schedule changes. Fortunately, I got smart and realized that the additions and revisions to my daily routine are not the enemy.
On yesterday, I had a plan of action that had a component which did not take into account the possibility of torrential rain and a tornado advisory. The item was left unchecked, but it was quickly replaced with a really important and (of course unplanned) errand.
Now, this errand was a favor to someone who is ultra near and dear to my heart. This person had been trying to obtain a very important set of items for most of the 2008 year, and most people would've concluded that it was a deadend situation.
Have you ever experienced a situation that you thought would be resolved, but took its sweet time to come to its conclusion? Well, I definitely can rattle off a few personal scenarios.
The long awaited pick-up reminded me that these schedule hiccups are merely perfect timing mechanisms. I can't even imagine what my trip to Brazil would have been like if I had gone for only two weeks in 2006 as opposed to 5 months in 2008. Believe me it was a long wait, but during that two year period, I had the opportunity to develop tremendously athletically and personally.
So now we find the Arena League in a serious operation reflection and people stressed about the lack of stability in their way of life. We can choose to spend the days, months and (possibly) years all wound up for naught.
Keep being persistent. Keep preparing yourself. Keep getting ahead of the curve. One day you will see that the seeming "pause" was only perfecting time operating to put ahead on your path to a greater experience than you imagined!
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