I woke up at 5:00 a.m. this morning to the tune of ESPN's Sportscenter. It was not my intent to fall asleep with the light and tv on, but we all fall short of the glory on one or two ocassions...
This morning I penned the last entry in my fuschia, flower journal while watching the breaking news from the Dallas Cowboys fallout.
As an FYI, I have been writing in this journal since December 6, 2006, and I had only half of a page to recant my thoughts for December 30th. How interesting that I completed this private detailing of the last two years of my journey two days short of the 2009 year?!?
For a little fun, I reread the first entry, scimmed some entries in the middle and laughed at how much has happened. I quickly came to the realization that a new journal was a signal (literally and figuratively) that I am going to begin a new chapter of my glamorous soccer life.
However, I was slightly annoyed that I couldn't include the 31st in this book. Why should the events of the 30th and 31st get grouped with the new adventures of 2009? I didn't question the reasoning for long because I laid down my pen and went back to sleep.
A few hours later, I arrived at my training facility. I spoke briefly to the building custodian before placing a call to one of the trainers to determine if training had been cancelled. Much to my surprise, there was a miscommunication and training would be taking place at Apollo Creed Alternate Ending's House
*Apollo Creed Alternate Ending is the head trainer. I gave him this nickname for his zealous workout regimen and his classification as an athletic builder and not athletic trainer...*
Anywho, I knew what this training would entail-the woods or should I call it the animaless jungle. This place behind his house is a mini-wilderness complete with running paths (not smooth or clear), tires, a creek and slippery hills-all of which are incorporated into the workout. I have only had one jungle workout, and the story of that workout is an entry by itself....
I arrived, and the usual group of athletes were ready to go. We laced up our cleats, and followed Apollo CAE as he ran to the trees. At some point during the workout, Apollo CAE announced, "This is the year to produce. I am going to be all over you this year!"
His detailed explanation of his expectation (much of which will not be typed here) for the attendees (and me specifically) could be heard as Apollo CAE ran the hills, as I ran the hills and as we all suffered under the pain of the workout. With Apollo's harsh warnings and countless numbers of different hill runs completed, the group ran up the embankments, jumped downed tree branches, tapped through tires to the entryway to the promiseland-the end of the trail.
Today, I received an introduction to my new year. Come on in 2009. I am ready.